O.P.M.S. Gold Kratom Extract
Get 5 Packs For the Price of 4!
Organically Purified Mitragyna Speciosa is more commonly known as O.P.M.S. Kratom. It is the leading brand of Kratom Extract Capsules. O.P.M.S. Gold Kratom Extract is revered as one of the strongest brands available due to its proprietary extraction method to extract alkaloids. Most products employ a method involving hot water or a solvent. Under this technique, the Kratom leaves are basically boiled out of the organic material, and much of the alkaloid content is lost.
Research specialists have recently discovered a more effective concentration method for opms gold 2 pack using cold water and high pressure. This method has preserved more alkaloids, making for better and more complete gold kratom extract capsules. O.P.M.S. isolates and extracts the primary alkaloid, 7-hydroxy mitragynine, instead of a full spectrum extract. This process may explain why the potency of O.P.M.S. Gold Kratom Extract is so powerful compared to other products!
Product Sizes Available:
2 Count (2 capsules per pack)
3 Count (3 opms kratom capsules per pack)
5 Count (5 capsules per pack)
**Please note: These are for 5 packs of the selected count. If you would like to purchase quantities of less than 5 of your desired item, please see our page for the individual packs.
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- Excellent Customer Service
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- Safety Sealed Packaging
- Freshness Guaranteed for our opms kratom pills and all other products
Usage and Dosage:
Start small with one gram (2 opms capsules) and work your way up until desired effects are achieved. Every individual is different, and dosing should be tailored to the user. Remember, with all kratom gold pills, LESS IS MORE!
Disclaimer** All statements about mitragyna speciosa have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Kratom has not been proven as an effective cure for any disease or illness.** This product is not not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Salviaextract is in compliance with all Good Manufacturing Standards set in place by the FDA.
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